Guide for Authors

The journal adheres to a set of general rules for publishing, which are:

  • The journal accepts publishing research in different languages.
  • The journal is not obligated to pay any financial reward to the researcher for publishing by all means.
  • The researcher bears all responsibilities related to the research published in the journal, and the journal does not bear the slightest responsibility for what was published in it.
  •  The journal accepts research that has not been published in other journals or periodicals, and it should not be submitted at the same time to any other journal or periodical for publication, and the researcher writes an acknowledgment of that.
  • The research submitted to the journal for publication must be original and innovative, discussing a new topic or dealing with a topic previously dealt with, but from a new point of view; So that research represents a real contribution to knowledge.

The journal requires a set of specifications that must be available in the submitted research, which are:

  • The research should not exceed 10,000 words.
  • The research should contain an introduction explaining the topic of the research, its importance, the problem it faces, and the void that the research would fill in the relevant literature. As for the topic itself, it must be raised using a clear and logical method or scientific methods.
  • The research should contain the following contents: the title of the research, provided that it does not exceed 25 words, keywords that do not exceed 8 words, a summary of the research that does not exceed 300 words, a list of references, a list of pictures, figures, and illustrations, if any, numbered according to the following. by searching.
  • The first page should contain all the data of the researcher or researchers conducting the research, including name, current job, university name, telephone, correspondence address, and e-mail so that one can communicate with him.
  • The researcher is responsible for obtaining a permit to use scientific material that has the right to print, and this includes photocopies of previously published materials.
  • If information, a table, a figure, or an image is used from any other source (whether printed or electronic), a reference must be made, whether in the text or footnotes, to that source. In the case of a literal quotation, in addition to indicating its source, that quotation must be enclosed in double quotation marks.
  • Not referring to the sources that were used or quoted from is considered an attack (Plagiarism) on the intellectual property of others, which may negatively affect the credibility and scientific reputation of the author of the research, and then the acceptance of his / her future research by the journal.
  • It is not correct to rely on academically unrecognized sources, such as many encyclopedias and forums spread on the international information network.
  • Follows the APA 6th style for writing research papers and documenting references and footnotes.
  • The writing program MS Word should be used, font 12 Times New Roman for the English language, and font 14 Simplified Arabic for the Arabic Language.
  • The space between the lines - whether in the text or footnotes - must be single (single-spaced), and no extra spaces should be left between the lines in any of the parts of the research.
  • The main title should be written in bold, 14 for English. As for the subheadings, they are written in bold, 12 for English. Headings should not be italicized or underlined, and headings (whether main or subheadings) should not be preceded by any numbers or followed by any punctuation marks (such as a colon and a dash:-)
  • All paragraphs must be indented, except for the first paragraph (which immediately follows the title), and no extra space should be left between the subheading and the paragraph immediately following it.
  • Punctuation marks (period, comma, semicolon, etc.) must be written after the last letter of the word immediately following any of them (ie without any spaces separating them).
  • It is also taken into account not to leave any space between the brackets and the word (or words) inside it
  • Do not use multiple styles or fonts of different sizes.
  • A unified style should be followed in writing dates, proper names, etc.
  • Abbreviations such as (isn't, shouldn't, etc.) should be avoided, but should be written (is not, should not). It is also preferable to use and instead of the & sign.
  • Titles such as Dr or.Prof should not be used either within the text or footnotes or when writing the author's name
  • Braces should be used, such as: ( )
  • Small dashes are used between dates or page numbers, such as (100-110).
  • The reference to the tables and pictures is as follows: Table 1, Figure 1
  • The list of references should be arranged in alphabetical order and should be written.
  • When referring to scientific material found on a website on the Internet, it is preferable to refer to the printed and scanned version (PDF). Instead of being satisfied with the name of the site on the international information network, the full extension of the information is written within the site, indicating the date of obtaining the information.
  • The size of the submitted graphics must be at least twice the size in which they will appear in the publication, and these graphics must also be executed correctly. Any comments within the form itself must be typed (not handwritten). If the drawings contain a photocopy of previously published forms, they must be very clear, and reference must be made to the source from which the figure or table is taken, even if it is a website.
  • The images must be scanned with a resolution of 300 dpi if we want them to be the same size, but if we want to obtain a larger size for them, the resolution must be higher; For example, the image to be output at twice its size must have a resolution of 600 dpi.


450 EGP. Pounds and 150 US dollars, immediately after submission to the journal. It is not refunded if the research is rejected by the reviewers. Then, the researcher pays another fee after the research is accepted for publication, based on the number of pages of the research.

Journal Template, Arabic Here.
Journal Template, English Here.