A New Vision of the Pluralism of the Symbol's Meaning in Coptic Christian Art (An Analytical Artistic Study Applied to Selected Models)

Document Type : Original Article


Ministry of Tourism and Antiquities, New Valley, Egypt.


Coptic Christian art drew upon a collection of symbols sourced from its predecessors and contemporary artistic expressions, as well as from the surrounding environment and biblical texts. One of its defining characteristics is symbolic art, characterized by the presence of multiple meanings for a single symbol. What sets this pluralism apart in Christian art is that it is not based on the succession of time or diversity of beliefs, as seen in other art forms. Instead, it represents simultaneous multiplicity, where a single symbol may appear in multiple artworks at the same time and place, yet its meaning varies in each piece. The research, titled 'A New Vision of the Pluralism of Symbolic Meaning in Coptic Christian Art: An Analytical Technical Study Applied to Selected Models,' seeks to address this significant issue and resolve related problems. The study adopts an analytical and descriptive approach to explore the pluralism of symbols in Coptic Christian art, offering fresh insights for scholars of Coptic art and its diverse symbols and interpretations.


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